Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, March 22

Monday, March 22

Today we decided to head back to the Art Center (Taman Budaya) where I used to study dance and gamelon. It was nice to head back to my old neighborhood and show Pete where I spent all my days in the summer. I think he was pretty impressed. The Art Center is a beautiful complex, with gardens and traditional Balinese houses that are dedicated to the arts. In the center there is a huge outdoor stage/theater. There is some kind of performance this weekend and I think we may go check it out. Afterwards we walked to the pasar (market) nearby. They sell pretty much anything from backpacks to fried pig. We bought some fruits for the next few days…we’ve been eating so many noodles! We need to be in bed early tonight to be ready for scuba at 7 tomorrow morning!

Art Center Grounds
Pete attempting a Balinese dance move

Center outdoor stage/theater

Stone carvings at each entrance


  1. And then you sent your little sister an indonesian birthday present!

    Miss you,


  2. You've go us to go exploring on the net. Found this site to keep track of your whereabouts
    Your post are great reads.

    Ming & Tina
