Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday, March 21

Sunday, March 21

On Sunday we woke to a HUGE breakfast of rice, chicken skewers, tempe, fish wrapped In palm leaves, fried potatoes, fried tofu, and a spicy tuna curry. After stuffing ourselves we again walked over to the beach for an afternoon of relaxing and for Steph to finish reading her scuba manual. The beach was pretty empty when we got there around 1pm, however, around 4ish the place was packed with Indonesian kids and their parents. Apparently the beach in Sanur is the place to come for after school activities. As the tide rolls out hundreds of kids fill the water and numerous food vendors line the beach.

After dinner on the beach we stopped at a bar to watch the Liverpool vs. Manchester United soccer game. Although a sparse crowd, most were rooting for Man U. When walking home we always pass a taxi stand, where, especially at night, a bunch of the drivers are hanging around playing a local game called Carambo. They explained the game as if it’s similar to billiards, except there are no cues and you flick the pieces with your finger. Each person gets one flick and if they don’t make the piece into the hole the next person goes. This continues until someone makes it and whoever does wins 1,000 rupiah (1 US cent) from each player. We haven’t played for money yet, but after some more practice we may have to – especially because the locals want to win our money.

The past couple days we have also been working out logistics for Thailand (we are going sometime the first week of April). If anyone has any recommendations for things to see, places to go, etc. please let us know!!

Beach food vendor

Beach crowd (mostly Indo kids)

Huts on the ocean

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