Monday, March 22, 2010

Saturday, March 20

Saturday, March 20

On Saturday we woke up and made our way to the nearby beach for a day of relaxing. While there we noticed a stage was being set-up next to the water so we went over to check it out. Turns out there was going to be a concert on the beach later that night. After a couple hours on the beach and Steph continuing her Scuba Diving reading, we went back home to make dinner (noodle soup again). For dessert, we walked a couple blocks to a stand (aka a VW minivan converted into a rundown kitchen with two large stoves) where two locals were making matarbak and terang bulan. These are local dishes that are similar to pancakes, waffles, and/or crepes. The biggest difference between the local dishes is that matarbak is made out of egg and a lot of oil and is usually filled with either chicken or seafood. Terang bulan is the sweeter variation. We got ours with bananas, chocolate, and peanuts and we still have some leftover three days later.

We then made our way to the beach to watch the concert which turned out to be a work party for a local company. It was pretty funny since the Indonesian cover band played all sorts of music in English, from Aerosmith to Lady Gaga to various reggae. They also had fireworks, “sexy dancers”, and fire-twirlers, making this one hell of a production. There was also a huge buffet which smelled really good so I decided to venture over to see what they had. After a few mouthwatering minutes I grabbed a plate and a couple grilled items and was then approached by a man saying this is a party for only the company employees (I probably should’ve got the hint since I was the only non-Asian person there). With that we sat on the beach and listened to the music until around midnight when the festivities ended.

Concert on the beach
Terang Bulan

VW Kitchen

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