Friday, March 26, 2010

Thursday, March 25 (Wreck Dive)

Thursday, March 25

This morning was our final bright and early day. We had a two hour drive to Tulamben (on the Northeast coast) to the USAT Liberty Wreck. This WWII US Army Transport ship was torpedoed by the Japanese in 1942 on the beach, but when Mt. Agung erupted in the 60’s, the lava flow pushed the boat into the water. It’s submerged from about 3m to 18m and it accessible via the beach. The drive up there was really pretty the closer we got. The first dive was great, and the visibility was amazing. The water was crystal clear and the wreck is home to huge schools of jackfish, little eels, green fan coral, surgeon fish, trigger fish, parrot fish, trunk fish, black tang fish, flounder, snapper, as well as hundreds of other species. Because the boat has been underwater since the 60’s, coral has prominently grown on the ship and numerous fish hang around there. On the second dive (which was at the same location), we got to explore a bit more of the boat and Steph was getting the hang of being underwater (and loving it). We also had the chance of swimming through/under parts of the ship.

Once we returned to Sanur a bunch of us from the dive trip went out to a local hang out to have some drinks, dinner and played a billiards tournament –- which Steph won. What’s interesting and very convenient is that you can bring drinks from any bar to another bar as well as order food from any restaurant to the bar. Across the way was this highly recommended Korean restaurant. So, because of their Balinese ways, we ordered mandu (dumplings) from there which were delivered to us across the street at the bar once ready. They really will do anything for business.

Steph and Pete under the sea

Jack fish

Steph finishing her open water skills

USAT Liberty wreck

1 comment:

  1. 1. I've been following the Jungle Book on my Google Reader. Great name.
    2. Shere-kan is one of the coolest Disney villains ever.
    3. The USAT wreck photo above is absolutely SICK.
    4. Holy shit you guys are awesome.
    5. FALAFEL.
